ΒΑΘΜΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΟΥ | 13.22 KB | 07-07-2019 | |
Βιβλιογραφία για τη Θεοτόκο Οδηγήτρια | 44 KB | 28-03-2019 | |
Η Μονή των Οδηγών και η λατρεία της Θεοτόκου Οδηγήτριας | 8.3 MB | 21-03-2019 | |
Magic, the Mandylion and the Letter of Abgar | 392.72 KB | 06-03-2019 | |
Masks, Marriage and the Byzantine Mandylion | 600.3 KB | 06-03-2019 | |
Χρφο Παρισιού με Μανδήλιο | 128 KB | 28-02-2019 | |
Μηνολόγιο Μόσχας Μανδήλιο | 409 KB | 28-02-2019 | |
Porphyrogennetos' ivory | 306 KB | 28-02-2019 | |
Επένδυση εικόνας Γένοβας | 1.28 MB | 28-02-2019 | |
Βιβλιογραφία Μανδηλίου | 85.82 KB | 22-02-2019 | |
Averil Cameron, "The History of the Image of Edessa: the Telling of a Story", Harvard Ukrainian Studies VII(1983), Okeanos. Essays Presented to Ihor Sevcenko on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students, επιμ. C. Mango & O. Pritsak, σσ. 80-94 | 17.62 MB | 22-02-2019 | |
Holy Mandylion | 156.55 KB | 19-02-2019 | |
Robin Cormack, Writing in Gold. Byzantine Society and its Icons, London 1985 | 5.31 MB | 14-02-2019 | |
Charalambos Machairas, The Sinaitic Icon of the Heavenly Ladder and Saint Anthony Archbishop | 10.08 MB | 23-01-2019 | |
Annemarie Weyl Carr, "Icons and the Object of Pilgrimage in Middle Byzantine Constantinople", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 56 (2002), σσ. 75-92. | 5.58 MB | 17-12-2018 | |
Nancy Sevcenko, "Servants of the Holy Icon", στο Christopher Moss & Katherine Kiefer (επιμ.), Byzantine East, Latin West. Art-Historical Studies in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann, Princeton N.J. 1995, σσ. 547--553. | 1.64 MB | 17-12-2018 | |
Kurt Weitzmann, "The Mandylion and Constantine Porphyrogennetos" , Cahiers Archeologiques 11 (1960), ανατύπ. στο K. Weitsmann, Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, Chicago & London 1971, σσ. 224-246. | 12.22 MB | 17-12-2018 | |
M. Vassilaki, "Praying for the Salvation of the Empire?", στο M. Vassilaki (επιμ.), Images of the Mother of God. Perceptions of the Theotokos in Byzantium, Aldershot 2005, σσ. 263-274. | 2.62 MB | 15-12-2018 | |
M. Vassilaki, "Female Piety, Devotion, and Patronage: Maria Angelina Doukaina Palaiologina of Ioannina and Helena Ugljesa of Serres", στο Jean-Michel Spieser & Elisabeth Yota (επιμ.), Donation et donateurs dans le societe et l' art byzantin, Παρίσι 2012, σσ. 221-234. | 1.61 MB | 15-12-2018 | |