CHAPTER 3: “Reviewing Business Models”

3.1 Rules for Drawing Good Canvases

3.2 Facebook & Ryanair models

3.3 Business Cycle model

STEP 1. Read the Intro to Business Model Canvas
STEP 2. Watch VIDEO 7- Introduction to Business Models
Text for VIDEO 7- Introduction to Business Models
STEP 3. Read the Text-How to draw a good canvas?
STEP 4. Read the FACEBOOK case
STEP 5. Complete Task 5: Facebook

The main point of the activity is not to check out if you are right or wrong when filling it. It is about rehearsals the kind of thinking you need to develop for each block and understand the importance of each block.


1.Download the Canvas template

2.Download FACEBOOK images

3.Fill in the blocks

4.Download canvas filled


6.Upload a picture of the canvas below

STEP 6. Read the RAYANAIR case

We have chosen this video because it shows the evolution of the Ryanair’s business model. Evolving the model is key for any business surviving.

STEP 8. Read the Google case
STEP 9. Watch VIDEO 8- Business cycle + gamification
STEP 10. Read the Business case
STEP 11. Complete Task 6:

Open in your browser and look for any city you like and observe what the system does. You can organize the hotels by score, distance, review, that is a game concept. Self determination theory that you are in control. They give you the city rate of occupancy to create confidence or to trigger the sale. They pop up windows with extra information to induce the purchase.

Upload a screenshot of Booking results below

STEP 12. Watch "Users, Payers and Multi Sided Markets"