In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\modules\course_home\course_home.php on line 210 : Unable to execute statement:"Duplicate entry '3176596' for key 'PRIMARY'", sqlstate:"1062", errornum:"23000", statement:"INSERT INTO logins SET user_id = ?, course_id = ?, ip = ?, date_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(1721655220)", elapsed:0.001

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 25 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"SELECT id, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), last_update)) AS diff, module_id FROM actions_daily WHERE user_id = ? AND course_id = ? AND day = DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY last_update DESC LIMIT 1", elapsed:0.002

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 50 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"SELECT id FROM actions_daily WHERE user_id = ? AND module_id = ? AND course_id = ? AND day = '2024-07-22'", elapsed:0.003

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 71 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"INSERT INTO actions_daily SET user_id = ?, module_id = ?, course_id = ?, hits = 1, duration = 900, day = '2024-07-22' , last_update = NOW() ", elapsed:0.002

Αρχειοθετημένη Πλατφόρμα Τηλεκπαίδευσης Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας | Department of Veterinary Science...

Department of Veterinary Science: English 2

Anastasia Marina Tsoutsoulopoulou



(i)   Five (5) Chapters from the book,

(ii)  2 Articles (see: Sites)


(iii) 2 diagrams

Students will be examined on the material as mentioned below.


Πανουτσόπουλος, Γεώργιος Ι., Αγγλική Ιατρική Ορολογία για Επιστήμες Υγείας (2018). Εκδόσεις Δίσιγμα: Θεσσαλονίκη.

1. CHAPTER 13: "Cells of the Nervous System" + Exercises [pp.167-174]

2. CHAPTER 23: "Blood Circulation" + Exercises  [pp.299-305]

3. CHAPTER 24: "Digestive System" + Exercises [pp.311-318]

4. CHAPTER 25: "Accessory Organs of Digestion + Exercises [pp.323-329]

5. CHAPTER 26: "Structure and Function of Urinary System" + Exercises [pp.333-343]


6.  2 Articles (see below)

 e-class  >>  Vet.Sci.2  >>  2.SITES.Vet.Sci.2.B

6a.  ARTICLE: "Types of Animal Digestive Systems" -

Source:        OR:


6b.  ARTICLE:  "Urinary System in Mammals Anatomy and Function".


Course code: FLO146
Faculty: Κέντρο Ξένων Γλωσσών » Προπτυχιακό
