Computer Organization and Design
Nikos Bellas
This is an introductory course on the structure and functionality of modern computing systems. The curriculum includes the following topics:
- Description of the basic organization of a modern computer system
- Introduction to machine language (assembly) for the MIPS processor
- Support of functions and procedures in the hardware. Stack memory
- Representation of integers and floating point numbers
- Measuring CPU performance
- Single cycle MIPS CPU micro-architecture
- MIPS pipelined microarchitecture. Structural, data and control hazards in a pipeline. Data forwarding and pipeline stalling
- Interrupts and Exceptions
- Branches and branch predictions schemes
- Memory hierarchy and caches. System performance with a memory hierarchy. Cache techniques for performance optimizations
- Virtual memory and virtual machines
- Main Memory (DRAM) design and organization
- Basic concepts of parallel computer architectures
- Data-level parallelism (SIMD)
- Thread-level parallelism
- Multicore micro-architectures
- Alternative architectures (x86, ARM)
This is an introductory course on the structure and functionality of modern computing systems. The curriculum includes the following topics:
- Description of the basic organization of a modern computer system
- Introduction to machine language (assembly) for the MIPS processor
- Support of functions and procedures in the hardware. Stack memory
- Representation of integers and floating point numbers
- Measuring CPU performance
- Single cycle MIPS CPU micro-architecture
- MIPS pipelined microarchitecture. Structural, data and control hazards in a pipeline. Data forwarding and pipeline stalling
- Interrupts and Exceptions
- Branches and branch predictions schemes
- Memory hierarchy and caches. System performance with a memory hierarchy. Cache techniques for performance optimizations
- Virtual memory and virtual machines
- Main Memory (DRAM) design and organization
- Basic concepts of parallel computer architectures
- Data-level parallelism (SIMD)
- Thread-level parallelism
- Multicore micro-architectu
This is an introductory course on the structure and functionality of modern computing systems. The curriculum includes the following topics:
- Description of the basic organization of a modern computer system
- Introduction to machine language (assembly) for the MIPS processor
- Support of functions and procedures in the hardware. Stack memory
- Representation of integers and floating point numbers
- Measuring CPU performance
- Single cycle MIPS CPU micro-architecture
- MIPS pipelined microarchitecture. Structural, data and control hazards in a pipeline. Data forwarding and pipeline stalling
- Interrupts and Exceptions
- Branches and branch predictions schemes
- Memory hierarchy and caches. System performance with a memory hierarchy. Cache techniques for performance optimizations
- Virtual memory and virtual machines
- Main Memory (DRAM) design and organization
- Basic concepts of parallel computer architectures
- Data-level parallelism (SIMD)
- Thread-level parallelism
- Multicore micro-architectu
Faculty: Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών » Προπτυχιακό