In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\modules\course_home\course_home.php on line 210 : Unable to execute statement:"Duplicate entry '3176596' for key 'PRIMARY'", sqlstate:"1062", errornum:"23000", statement:"INSERT INTO logins SET user_id = ?, course_id = ?, ip = ?, date_time = FROM_UNIXTIME(1719995678)", elapsed:0

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 25 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"SELECT id, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), last_update)) AS diff, module_id FROM actions_daily WHERE user_id = ? AND course_id = ? AND day = DATE(NOW()) ORDER BY last_update DESC LIMIT 1", elapsed:0.002

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 50 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"SELECT id FROM actions_daily WHERE user_id = ? AND module_id = ? AND course_id = ? AND day = '2024-07-03'", elapsed:0.003

In file C:\xampp\htdocs\eclass\include\action.php on line 71 : Unable to execute statement:"Table '.\eclass\actions_daily' is marked as crashed and should be repaired", sqlstate:"145", errornum:"HY000", statement:"INSERT INTO actions_daily SET user_id = ?, module_id = ?, course_id = ?, hits = 1, duration = 900, day = '2024-07-03' , last_update = NOW() ", elapsed:0.002

Αρχειοθετημένη Πλατφόρμα Τηλεκπαίδευσης Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας | Semantic Representation in Biome...

Semantic Representation in Biomedical Data

Ιωάννης Αναγνωστόπουλος


How we can identify and represent knowledge? How we can semantify biomedical data in a way that they are meaningful and interoperable for machines and different sources? What is the relation between semantics/ontologies and biomedical data? How can I use or create an ontology (ontology engineering)? How I can share or link semantic data in the research community?

These are some of the questions that need addressing when dealing with semantics in biomedical data and sources. We aim to resolve these issues in both theoretical and practical level, as well as to identify the necessary protocols and technologies towards the semantification and integration of data.

 Moreover, we will discuss:

  • The influence existing cases (e.g. the «Semantic Web» paradigm).
  • Analysis of the semantic stack protocols:
    • eXtensible Markup Language (XML),
    • Resource Description Framework and Schema (RDF/RDFS),
    • Ontology Languages (e.g. OWL).
  • Semantic data warehouses and NoSQL: Triplestores (e.g. Virtuoso, Cou
Κωδικός: DIB175
Κατηγορία: Πληροφορικής με εφαρμογές στη Βιοϊατρική » Μεταπτυχιακό

