Annotated C90 codes I've written as complementary material for two seminars: [6-11-2018] Intro to Pointer Variables (A. Zacharia & R. Karkanis) [13-11-2018] Pointers and Arrays (R. Karkanis) You will need a compiler that adheres to the ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (or newer) standard. All programs were tested using cl.exe cl.exe is a tool that controls the Microsoft C and C++ compilers and linker. In case you find any inaccuracies, mistakes, blunders; be it logical or... illogical; please inform me. I am just another student. You are allowed to use the material for whatever reason you see fit. I'd appreciate & encourage you to inform me in case this material helped you in any way. The material I've used in the preparation of these two seminars are: [1] Ted Jensen. "A TUTORIAL ON POINTERS AND ARRAYS IN C", Sept. 2003. [Online]. Available:,[Accessed Oct. 27, 2018]. [2] K. N. King, C Programming: A Modern Approach. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2008. Enjoy. -Rafail Karkanis